Grant schemes asphalting project

Grant schemes asphalting project

10:10 PM

Ongoing project - The asphalting of grant schemes No. 54 and No. 258 has been partially completed with scheme No. 55 in the Batat Center

Asphalting, sidewalks, and lighting for the Municipality and its affiliated municipalities

Asphalting, sidewalks, and lighting for the Municipality and its affiliated municipalities

12:00 PM

completed project - its asphalting, sidewalks, and lighting for the villages in the governorate and its affiliated centers have been implemented

Equipment insurance project

Equipment insurance project

10:10 AM

Completed project - equipment and machinery were supplied to support the municipality's own capabilities

Optical distortion treatment project

Optical distortion treatment project

10:10 AM

Completed project - the main street in the central area has been rehabilitated from sidewalks and lighting

Street development project

Street development project

10:10 AM

Completed project - the rehabilitation of the main street in the central area has been completed, including sidewalks and lighting

Humanization of Cities Initiative

Humanization of Cities Initiative

10:10 AM

A completed project - a public garden was established in Batat Center to meet the needs of the residents of the center, with an outlet and recreational places.

Buildings initiative

Buildings initiative

10:10 AM

A completed project - a maintenance workshop for municipal equipment and machinery has been established

Roads Initiative

Roads Initiative

10:10 AM

Completed project - The double entrance to the governorate and the expansion of Al Bijad Road have been completed

Warding off the dangers of floods - the first stage

Warding off the dangers of floods - the first stage

10:10 AM

Completed project - a concrete protection wall for Al-Hatafra Road and protection slopes were constructed in Al-Mallsa

Warding off the dangers of floods - a second stage

Warding off the dangers of floods - a second stage

10:10 AM

Completed project - a concrete protection wall was constructed on Wadi Rahadah road

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